Patent Exchange Furthers the Founding Fathers’ Intent (Part 2 of 4)
Read moreThe patent exchange furthers the Founding Fathers’ intent. In the following posts, I would like to demonstrate that (1)...
February 28, 201306 -
Patent Exchange Furthers the Founding Fathers’ Intent (Part 1 of 4)
Read moreThe patent exchange furthers the Founding Fathers’ intent. In the following posts, I would like to demonstrate that (1)...
February 27, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 3(iii) of X)
Read moreFor a patent exchange to exist, there would need to be a number of patent holders that supply patent...
February 26, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 3(ii) of X)
Read moreFor a patent exchange to exist, there would need to be a number of patent holders that supply patent...
February 24, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 3(i) of X)
Read moreFor a patent exchange to exist, there would need to be a number of patent holders that supply...
February 24, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 2(ii) of X)
Read moreFor a patent exchange to exist, there would need to be a number of patent holders that supply patent...
February 21, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 2(i) of X)
Read moreFor a patent exchange to exist, there would need to be a number of patent holders that supply patent...
February 20, 2013 -
Patent Exchange–Supplying the Market (Part 1 of X)
Read moreI previously introduced the idea of market trading for patent assets. I’d like to further elaborate on this idea,...
February 19, 2013 -
A Patent Holder’s Ace in the Hole—Live, Pending Applications
Read moreHaving a live, pending application for your patent asset is the absolutely, single most effective thing you can do...
February 16, 2013 -
Purchasing a Patent — Ownership Structures
Read moreWhen you acquire a patent asset, you’ll need to select an entity in which to house the patent assets. ...
February 16, 2013